Behavior Guidance
If you are concerned that your intervention is not adequately supporting your learner.... ask yourself these questions:

Did the learner have adequate opportunity to learn the expected behaviors?
Social narratives (multiple repetitions)
Video models
Visual supports
Replacement behavior (taught and practiced)
Have I been reinforcing?
Reinforcing expected behaviors with fidelity
Telling them exactly what they are doing correctly​
Ignoring inappropriate behavior
Providing non-compatible opportunities
Providing alternatives to address sensory needs
Using token reinforcement
If the learner needs more immediate rewards - giving those​
Am I seeing an extinction burst?
Before the behavior stops, you will see it get bigger, louder, and more frequent
This is because it has worked in the past or in other environments, so it should be working now​
Hold tight and stick to your reinforcement - it could be an extinction burst​! This means that the behavior is about to burn out.
Maybe I didn't understand the function of the behavior?
Take another look at the behavior and see if there could be a different function than you thought. Ask a peer for input.
Obtaining - like items, adult or peer attention....​
Avoiding - like clean up, participation, etc.
Sensory - like spinning, rocking, sounds, food textures, etc.
Go back to number 1 if you have a new understanding.​

I am stumped!
It is ok. You have worked hard and done your best. It is time for a functional behavior assessment. Contact your support team!